Articles for author:

Scientific Management Theory

Scientific Management Theory By F.W Taylor : Optimizing Efficiency and Productivity in the Workplace

Scientific management theory, developed by Frederick Taylor, aims to improve efficiency and productivity in organizations by systematically analyzing and optimizing work processes through time and motion studies, standardized procedures, and incentive systems. Introduction The emergence of scientific management theory during a period of industrial expansion and crisis is widely regarded as a significant breakthrough in ...

“Globalisation in the Contemporary World: Consequences and India’s Position in the Globalized Landscape”

Globalization in the contemporary world is a harmonious convergence of nations, where borders blur and connections deepen, fostering interdependence and shared progress. In this global symphony, India embraces its role as a key player, blending tradition and modernity to shape a dynamic and interconnected future. What is Globalization? Globalization is a complicated phenomenon that aims ...

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

Hierarchy of Needs By Abraham Maslow: Understanding Human Motivation and Fulfillment

Abraham Maslow proposed motivation theory, often depicted as a “hierarchy of needs”, suggests that people are motivated by fulfilling a sequence of physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs, with each level building upon the one below. Introduction Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, often referred to as Maslow’s motivation theory, is a widely recognized framework ...

Political Theory : Its nature, scope and significance in contemporary world

Studying political theory provides a deeper understanding of the foundations, principles, and dynamics of political systems, enabling individuals to critically analyze and engage with political issues, institutions, and policies in order to contribute to informed decision-making and positive societal change. Political theory is a branch of political science that explores and analyzes the ideas, concepts, ...

John Rawls

“Justice as Fairness” – John Rawls’ Theory of Justice

Justice, the binding force that weaves through all societies, is essential for upholding order and harmony within a state. It is the yearning of individuals to be treated fairly, leading to their social and personal well-being. A just society is founded on the principle that all its members should reap the benefits without exceptions. Throughout ...

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