B.A(H) Political Science SOL DU 4th Semester | Unit Wise Notes


Political Processes and Institutions in Comparative Perspective
I. Forms of Government: 
Unitary and Federal System
Regime Types: Democratic, Authoritarian, Populism and Totalitarian
II. Electoral System
Definition and procedures, Types of election system (First Past the Post, Proportional Representation, Mixed Representation)
III. Parties and Party System
Historical Context of Emergence of Party System and Types of Parties
IV. Nation State
What is nation–state? Historical evolution in Western Europe and postcolonial contexts ‘Nation’ and ‘State’: debates
V. Gendering Comparative Politics: Institutions and Processes
a. Political Representation
b. Women in Conflict and Peace
I. Public Policy
Definition, Features and Models
Public Policy Process in India
II. Decentralization
Meaning, Importance and Approaches and Types
Local Self-Government: Rural and Urban
III. Budget
Concept and Importance of Budget
Budget Cycle in India
Different Approaches and Types of Budgeting
IV. Citizen and Administration Interface
Public Service Delivery
Redressal of Public Grievances: 
Citizen’s Charter
V. Social Welfare Administration
A – Concept and Approach of Social Welfare
B – Social Welfare Policies:
Education: Right to Education
Health: National Health Mission
Food: Right to Food Security
Employment: MNREGA
I. Globalization: Concepts and Perspectives
Understanding Globalization and its Alternative Perspectives
Political: Debate on sovereignty and territoriality
Global Economy: Its Importance and Anchors of Global Political Economy:
World Bank
Cultural and Technological Dimensions
Global Resistance (Global Social Movement and NGO)
II. Contemporary Global Issues
Ecological Issues: Historical Overview of International Environmental Agreements, Climate Change, Global Commons Debate
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
International Terrorism: Non-State Actor and State Terrorism; Post 9/11 Events
Human Security
III. Global Change: Power and Governance
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