Caste-Based Identity Politics in India

The tapestry of Indian politics is woven with the intricate threads of caste-based identity, a phenomenon deeply ingrained in the nation’s social fabric. This article seeks to delve into the historical origins, scholarly perspectives, and multifaceted dimensions of caste-based identity politics in India, offering a nuanced understanding of its complexities.

Scholarly Perspectives:

  • “Caste is so tacitly and so completely accepted by all, including those most vocal in condemning it, that it is everywhere the unit of social action” – M.N. Srinivas 
  • “it is not politics that gets caste ridden, it is caste that gets politicized” – Rajni Kothari 
  • “Politics is a competitive enterprise, its purpose is acquisition of power for realization of certain goals, ant its process is one of identifying and manipulating existing and emerging allegiance in order to mobilize and consolidate positions” – Rajni Kothari 
  • Jawaharlal Nehru viewed caste as “the main source of India’s social, political and even moral degradation.” 
  • “The caste provided the bases for communication, representation and leadership to the political democracy in India in the form of structures called caste associations” – Rudolph and Rudolph. Rudolphs call the caste association a ‘paracommunity’. 
  • Rudolph and Rudolph explain the relationship between caste and politics, with the help of three types of Political Mobilization: Vertical, Horizontal and Differential. 
  • Rudolf and S.H. Rudolf in their book, ‘Modernity of Tradition’, holds the view that caste politics in India has reduced the distinction among castes and has brought about political equality among the members of different castes. 
  • According to Prof. Morris Jones, the central discovery “is that politics is more important to castes and castes are more important to politics than before”. 
  • According to C.P. Bhambri, “Politics of caste is a bigger Evil than Politics of Religion”.

Caste and Political Landscape:

Caste exerts a profound influence on the contours of Indian politics, permeating electoral strategies, governance policies, and socio-economic dynamics. Political parties, both regional and national, often forge alliances along caste lines to consolidate electoral support. For instance, parties like the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and the Samajwadi Party (SP) in Uttar Pradesh and the Janata Dal (Secular) in Karnataka mobilize support from specific caste constituencies, leveraging caste-based identities to garner electoral victories.

Moreover, caste-based considerations extend beyond electoral politics, shaping government policies such as reservations in education and employment. These policies, aimed at redressing historical injustices and empowering marginalized communities, reflect the intricate interplay between caste dynamics and state intervention.

Rural-urban disparities further accentuate the influence of caste, with traditional social structures exerting a stronger hold over community identities and political affiliations in rural areas. In contrast, urban centers witness the emergence of new fault lines based on socio-economic status, education, and professional affiliations, though caste affiliations continue to wield significant influence, albeit in subtler forms.

Rajni Kothari’s Framework:

Rajni Kothari’s seminal work, “Caste in Indian Politics,” provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the complex interplay between caste and politics. Kothari delineates three dimensions of this interaction: the secular dimension, emphasizing the intersection of caste with broader political ideologies; the integration dimension, exploring the role of caste in fostering social cohesion or fragmentation; and the dimension of consciousness, wherein caste identities become politicized and mobilized for political ends.

Kothari’s framework underscores the dynamic nature of caste-based identity politics, wherein traditional social hierarchies intersect with modern democratic principles, engendering both social progress and political polarization.


Caste-based identity politics in India embodies a paradoxical fusion of tradition and modernity, wherein age-old social hierarchies intersect with democratic principles. While caste-based mobilization has empowered marginalized communities and fostered social justice, it also poses formidable challenges to the ideals of equality, inclusivity, and national integration.

Understanding the multifaceted dimensions of caste-based identity politics is essential for navigating the complexities of Indian democracy and fostering a more equitable and cohesive society. By unraveling the intricate tapestry of caste-based identity politics, India can chart a path towards greater social harmony, inclusive governance, and democratic resilience.

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