Articles for category: QUAD, Foreign Policy, India's Foreign Policy, International Relations


The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD)

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, known as the Quad, is a strategic security discussion involving Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. Member countries engage in talks to maintain this dialogue. The Quad’s primary aim is to safeguard the strategic sea routes in the Indo-Pacific, ensuring they remain free from military or political influence, and promote ...

Gujral Doctrine

Gujral Doctrine: India’s Approach to Neighboring Relations

Introduction The Gujral Doctrine, named after former Indian Prime Minister I.K. Gujral, encapsulates a set of five principles that serve as a guideline for conducting foreign relations with India’s neighbouring countries, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Formulated during I.K. Gujral’s tenure as the External Affairs Minister in the H.D. Deve Gowda Government ...

Act East Policy

India’s Strategic Evolution from Look East to Act East Policy

Introduction: In the dynamic arena of international relations, India’s foreign policy has undergone a noteworthy shift with the evolution from the Look East Policy to the Act East Policy. Originally initiated by former Prime Minister P.V. Narsimha Rao in 1992, the Look East Policy primarily aimed at fostering economic integration with Southeast Asian nations. As ...

Indo-Russian Relations

Indo-Russian Relations: A Nuanced Exploration of a Time-Tested Alliance

The intricate tapestry of India-Russia relations, woven since the 1971 ‘Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Cooperation,’ reveals a rich and enduring partnership that spans political, strategic, and military spheres. This robust collaboration, born during the Cold War, has not only weathered geopolitical shifts but has also evolved into a multifaceted alliance that remains relevant in ...

India's Nuclear Policy

India’s Nuclear Policy: Historical Evolution, Strategic Framework, and Global Implications

India’s nuclear policy, a critical aspect of the nation’s defense and geopolitical strategy, encompasses a comprehensive set of principles guiding the deployment and use of nuclear weapons. This detailed article aims to provide an in-depth exploration of India’s nuclear doctrine, tracing its historical roots, pivotal moments, and the strategic evolution of its principles. Additionally, it ...

India-US Relations

India-US Relations

The geopolitical landscape post the Cold War era witnessed a seismic shift that significantly influenced the trajectory of India-US relations. This article aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the historical background, ongoing challenges, and multifaceted areas of collaboration that characterize this strategic partnership. Historical Background Before the transformative year of 1991, India and the ...

India's Foreign Policy

India’s Foreign Policy: A Comprehensive Exploration

India’s foreign policy navigates non-alignment, prioritizing regional stability, economic diplomacy, and strategic partnerships to foster global influence and sustainable development. Introduction Indian Foreign Policy (IFP) is a sophisticated and strategic tool meticulously designed to influence the actions of other nations in ways that benefit India. This multifaceted approach draws inspiration from Hugh Gibson’s perspective, where ...

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