Political Science

Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics Notes Pdf | IGNOU

Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics (BPSC 105)Understanding Comparative PoliticsUNIT 1 NATURE, SCOPE AND USEFULNESS OF COMPARATIVE STUDY OF POLITICSUNIT 2 COMPARATIVE METHOD AND...

Political Process in India Notes Pdf | IGNOU

Political Process in India (BPSC 104)Political Parties and Party SystemUNIT 1 POLITICAL PARTIES, PARTY SYSTEMS AND DEMOCRACYUNIT 2 POLITICAL PARTIES IN INDIAUNIT 3Party SystemDeterminants...

B.A(H) Political Science SOL DU 1st Semester | Unit Wise Notes

 Understanding Political Theory  1)Introduction to Political TheoryA. What is Politics: Theorizing the ‘Political’B. Traditions of Political Theory:LiberalMarxistAnarchistConservativeC. Approaches to Political Theory:NormativeHistoricalEmpiricalD. Critical and Contemporary Perspectives in...

B.A(H) Political Science SOL DU 3rd Semester | Unit Wise Notes

Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics I. Understanding Comparative PoliticsNature and ScopeGoing beyond EurocentrismIII. Historical Context of Modern GovernmentCapitalism: Meaning and Growth: GlobalizationSocialism: Meaning, Growth...

B.A(H) Political Science SOL DU 2nd Semester | Unit Wise Notes

Political Theory-Concepts and Debates Political Theory-Concepts and DebatesSection A: ConceptI. Importance of FreedomNegative Freedom: LibertyPositive Liberty: Liberty as Liberation and DevelopmentII. Importance of EqualityFormal Equality: Equality...



Political Science Solution

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