Articles for category: Behaviouralism, David Easton, Political Science, Post-Behaviouralism

Behavioural Approach

Behaviouralism in Political Science: Definition, Origin and Post-Behaviouralism

Behaviouralism in Political Science focuses on understanding and explaining human behavior through observable actions, emphasizing the importance of empirical observation and scientific methods. Introduction The field of political science has seen significant changes over the years, with different schools of thought shaping the way we study and understand politics. One such transformation was brought about ...

David Easton

System Theory: Exploring David Easton’s Framework for Political Analysis

System Theory is popularized by David Easton in Political theory who views society as an open system where decisions in the political system are influenced by inputs from the environment, leading to the authoritative allocation of values through policy-making and feedback loops. Introduction Originally, the System approach shares its roots from biology and was articulated ...

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