Articles for category: Education, Confucius, Good governance, Political Science, Welfare state


Confucius: The Sage of Wisdom and Virtue

Confucius, an ancient Chinese philosopher, emphasized moral values and harmonious social relationships as the foundation for a just and orderly society. Introduction Confucius, also known as Kung Fu-Tzu or Kong Fu-zi, which translates to “Master Kung,” was born in the cradle of ancient China in 551 BC. Beyond being a thinker and political figure, he ...

John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)

J.S Mill: The Philosopher of Liberty and Representative Government

John Stuart Mill was a 19th-century philosopher and economist known for his influential writings on individual liberty, utilitarian ethics, and the potential dangers of majority tyranny in democratic societies. His ideas continue to shape modern political and ethical discourse. Introduction John Stuart Mill, a prominent figure in the 19th century, was a philosopher, economist, and ...

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