India-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

India-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

India’s strategic engagement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has undergone a transformative journey, evolving into a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership that encompasses various facets of political, economic, and security cooperation. This deepening relationship is a response to the evolving global landscape since the early 1990s and India’s commitment to economic liberalization, as exemplified by the transition from the ‘Look East Policy’ to the more proactive and action-oriented ‘Act East Policy.’

Formalizing the Act East Policy:

The Act East Policy was formally articulated during the 12th ASEAN India Summit and the 9th East Asia Summit in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, in November 2014. This policy shift reflects India’s proactive involvement in regional forums, including the Asia-Europe Meeting, East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum, ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting +, and Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum. These engagements underscore India’s commitment to building a robust and dynamic partnership with ASEAN member states.

Elevating the Partnership:

A significant milestone in the India-ASEAN relationship occurred during the November 2022 summit, where both parties announced the elevation of their existing Strategic Partnership to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. This elevated status signifies a deeper commitment to collaborative efforts in addressing shared challenges and exploring new opportunities for mutual growth and development.

Trade and Economic Collaboration:

India and ASEAN’s economic ties have been fortified through the establishment of a free trade area. The initial framework agreement, signed in Bali, Indonesia, on October 8, 2003, culminated in the final agreement on August 13, 2009, with the free trade area coming into effect on January 1, 2010. Furthermore, the ASEAN-India Trade in Services Agreement and the ASEAN-India Investment Agreement, inked in November 2014, provide a comprehensive framework for economic cooperation, covering transparency, domestic regulations, market access, and dispute resolution.

Delhi Dialogue as a Crucial Forum:

The Delhi Dialogue, initiated in 2009, has emerged as a critical forum for discussing politico-security, economic, and socio-cultural issues between ASEAN and India. The recently concluded 12th edition in June 2022 marked two significant anniversaries and aligns with the ASEAN-India Friendship year, focusing on ‘Building Bridges in the Indo-Pacific.’ The dialogue brings together political leaders, policymakers, researchers, academicians, business leaders, and media persons for comprehensive discussions on issues relevant to the ASEAN-India relationship.

Commemorative Summits:

The India-ASEAN Commemorative Summit held in 2018 in New Delhi, commemorating 25 years of ties, resulted in the release of the Delhi Declaration. This document emphasizes shared values and a common destiny, urging collaboration in combating terrorism, transnational crimes, cybersecurity, and promoting micro, small, and medium enterprises.

Recent Developments:

The 9th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus) in November 2022, chaired by Cambodia, provided a platform for India’s Defense Minister, Rajnath Singh, to address critical regional and global security concerns. Singh called for urgent efforts against transnational terrorism and highlighted emerging security challenges in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, he reiterated India’s commitment to enhancing maritime security in the region and advocated for a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific region.

19th India-ASEAN Summit 2022 

The 19th India-ASEAN Summit held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, was attended by the Vice President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar, and External Affairs Minister Dr S. Jaishankar. During the summit, it was emphasized that the relationship between India and ASEAN is a key component of India’s ACT-EAST policy, with a particular focus on supporting ASEAN centrality in the Indo-Pacific region.

One of the significant outcomes of the summit was the joint statement announcing the elevation of the existing Strategic Partnership between ASEAN and India to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. This development underscores the deepening and broadening of the ties between the two entities.

Furthermore, the summit reiterated the shared commitment to maintaining and promoting peace, stability, maritime safety, security, freedom of navigation, and overflight in the Indo-Pacific region. This commitment highlights the collaborative efforts to ensure a secure and stable environment in the strategically important maritime domain.

In addition, the Joint Statement put forth the proposal to expedite the review of the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIGA). The objective is to make the agreement more user-friendly, simpler, and conducive to facilitating trade. This demonstrates the commitment of both India and ASEAN to enhance economic cooperation and streamline trade-related processes for mutual benefit.

Overall, the 19th India-ASEAN Summit marked a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship, with the elevation of the Strategic Partnership and a renewed focus on promoting peace, stability, and economic cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.


The India-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership stands as a testament to the deepening collaboration between the two entities in the face of evolving global challenges. As both sides continue to build on their shared values and mutual interests, the partnership is poised to play a pivotal role in fostering regional stability, economic growth, and addressing global issues.

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