

Migration, a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, involves the movement of people either permanently or temporarily, driven by a myriad of factors such as economic opportunities, political dynamics, and social considerations. This intricate process manifests on a global scale, involving transitions between countries or within a single nation.

A poignant aspect of migration revolves around refugees, individuals forcibly displaced from their homes due to natural disasters or civil disturbances. Such displaced persons, aptly termed as “displaced persons,” undergo a distinct transformation when they seek refuge in another country. This transformative process involves a formal application, designating the individual as an “Asylum Seeker.” Successful application results in the attainment of legal status as a “Refugee.”

International Migrants Day, observed on December 18th, aims to acknowledge the increasing global migrant population. This commemoration was officially designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000.

The Role of UNHCR: Coordinating Global Refugee Issues:

Central to the coordination and management of refugee-related issues is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Established in 1950 in response to the refugee crisis stemming from World War II, the UNHCR operates as the primary international agency. Over the years, its scope has expanded beyond Europe, addressing displacement caused by conflicts such as the Hungarian Uprising and the decolonization of Africa and Asia.

Refugees, as recognized by the UNHCR, are individuals outside their country of nationality or habitual residence, unable to return due to serious and indiscriminate threats to life, physical integrity, or freedom resulting from generalized violence or events disturbing public order. This comprehensive definition underscores the diverse circumstances that force people into seeking refuge.

While migration and refugee dynamics persist globally, certain destinations emerge as prominent immigration hubs. In 2024, the top ten immigration destinations included the United States, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, France, Canada, Australia, and Italy. These destinations represent diverse opportunities and attract individuals for various reasons.

World Refugee Day, observed on June 20th, serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by refugees worldwide. The legal framework underpinning refugee protection finds its roots in the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol, which outline the rights and responsibilities concerning refugees.

India, despite having a substantial refugee population, has not ratified the aforementioned conventions. The Rohingyas, originating from Myanmar, constitute one of the world’s most oppressed ethnic groups, with over 13,000 Rohingya refugees residing in India and being registered with UNHCR. According to UNHCR, within the initial five weeks, over four million refugees from Ukraine have traversed borders into neighboring nations, and a considerable number have been compelled to relocate within the country.

Migration Types: Voluntary and Forced Perspectives:

Migration, in its various forms, can be categorized as either voluntary or forced. 

  • Voluntary migration stems from the free will of the migrating person which involves factors like economic, political and social due to jobs, excessive pollution, hunger, natural disaster ,etc
  • Forced migration encompasses the movement of refugees, internally displaced persons, and those displaced due to famine or developmental projects.

New York Declaration and Global Compacts:

The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly on September 19, 2016, reaffirms the significance of the International Refugee regime. It underscores the commitment of member states to fortify mechanisms for the protection of Refugees and Migrants. This declaration paved the way for the establishment of two new Global Compacts in 2018:

  • A Global Compact on Refugees
  • A Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration – The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Global Compact For Migration) represents the first internationally negotiated set of objectives for migration governance, although it lacks legal binding nature.

The New York Declaration also delineates the fundamental components of a Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), concentrating on aiding countries that accommodate a substantial number of refugees.

IOM’s Role in Migration Governance:

International Migration Day is observed on December 18th each year. The primary intergovernmental organization dedicated to the field of migration is the International Organization for Migration (IOM), established in 1951 with its headquarters in Switzerland. In September 2016, IOM attained the status of a related organization of the United Nations.

IOM serves as the key intergovernmental entity focused on migration. Its mission is to advocate for humane and well-organized migration by providing services and counsel to governments and migrants alike. The organization strives to ensure the orderly and compassionate management of migration, foster international cooperation on migration issues, seek practical solutions to migration challenges, and offer humanitarian assistance to migrants in various circumstances, including refugees, displaced persons, or other uprooted individuals.

IOM’s work spans four broad areas of migration management: migration and development, facilitating migration, regulating migration, and addressing forced migration. Its cross-cutting activities encompass promoting international migration law, engaging in policy debates and guidance, safeguarding migrants’ rights, addressing migration health issues, and considering the gender dimension of migration.

As of 2024, the International Organization for Migration boasts a membership of 174 states and nine observer states. Notably, India was granted observer status in 1991 and later became a full-fledged member state in 2008.

Global Trends: UNHCR’s 2022 Report:

  • The latest data from the UNHCR’s 2022 Global Trends Report reveals the staggering reality that 100 million people were forced to flee their homes in 2021. This mass displacement resulted from various crises, including violence, the war in Ukraine, food insecurity, human rights abuses, the climate crisis, and other emergencies spanning Africa to Afghanistan.
  • Internal displacement, a significant facet of forced migration, witnessed a decrease of seven million, or 23 percent, compared to the previous year. Notably, China experienced the largest internal displacement in 2021, with 6 million people affected by disasters, followed by the Philippines (5.7 million) and India (4.9 million).
  • The Russian invasion of Ukraine has catapulted the world into the fastest and largest forced displacement crisis since World War II. The ensuing figure exceeding 100 million underscores the urgent need for global collaboration and proactive measures to address the complex challenges posed by migration and forced displacement.

Conclusion: A Call for Global Cooperation:

In this evolving landscape, understanding the nuances of migration patterns, legal frameworks, and the role of international organizations is crucial for fostering a coordinated and compassionate response to the plight of refugees and displaced populations worldwide. The interconnectedness of these issues necessitates a global commitment to address the challenges and provide sustainable solutions for those forced to navigate the complexities of migration.

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