Raisina Dialogue

Raisina Dialogue: Navigating Global Challenges through Diplomacy and Discourse

Foreign Policy, good governance, India's Foreign Policy, International Relations, Raisina Dialogue, World politics

The Raisina Dialogue, established in 2016, has become India’s premier conference on geopolitics and geo-economics, providing a platform for high-level discussions on pressing global issues. Organized annually in New Delhi by the Ministry of External Affairs in collaboration with the Observer Research Foundation, this multi-stakeholder event brings together policymakers, business leaders, and experts from various fields to address the world’s most challenging issues. This article explores the origins, structure, and recent developments of the Raisina Dialogue, emphasizing its significance as a forum for diplomatic dialogue and strategic thinking.

Origins and Structure:

Conceived as India’s flagship conference, the Raisina Dialogue draws inspiration from Singapore’s Shangri-La Dialogue. Established to address the complex issues facing the global community, the conference is structured as a multi-stakeholder, cross-sectoral discussion. Participants include heads of state, cabinet ministers, local government officials, private sector executives, members of the media, and academia. The name “Raisina Dialogue” is derived from Raisina Hill, the location of the Government of India and the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

India’s Global Contribution:

The Raisina Dialogue represents India’s contribution to global efforts in finding solutions, promoting stability, and identifying opportunities in a rapidly evolving century. By fostering dialogue among diverse stakeholders, the conference aims to facilitate meaningful conversations that transcend geographical, political, and economic boundaries. It serves as a platform for building bridges and fostering collaboration to address shared challenges.

Recent Developments – Raisina Dialogue 2023:

The 8th edition of the Raisina Dialogue, held from March 2nd to 4th, 2023, explored the theme “Provocation, Uncertainty, Turbulence: Lighthouse in the Tempest?” This theme encapsulated the unpredictable and challenging nature of contemporary global dynamics. The discussions were organized around five thematic pillars, providing a structured framework for deliberations:

  • Neo Insurgence: Geographies, Domains, Ambitions
  • Amoral Mosaic: Contest, Cooperate, Or Cancel
  • Chaotic Codes: Sovereignty, Security, Society
  • Pernicious Passports: Climate, Commons, Citizens
  • Grey Rhinos: Democracies, Dependencies, And Debt Traps

These thematic pillars reflected the diverse and complex nature of the challenges faced by the global community, ranging from geopolitical shifts and security concerns to environmental sustainability and economic interdependencies.


The Raisina Dialogue continues to play a crucial role in shaping diplomatic discourse and fostering collaboration on a global scale. With its commitment to addressing pressing issues and promoting dialogue among diverse stakeholders, the conference serves as a lighthouse, guiding nations through the tempest of uncertainty. As the world grapples with complex challenges, the Raisina Dialogue remains a beacon of diplomatic engagement, contributing to the collective efforts of the international community in navigating the turbulent waters of the 21st century.

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