Articles for tag: Caste-Based Identity Politics, Dalit Movements, Democracy, good governance, Political Science, Politics

Dalit Movements

Dalit Movements

Dalit movements advocate for the rights and dignity of Dalit communities, challenging caste-based discrimination and advocating for social, economic, and political equality. Introduction To put it differently, the term “Dalits’ ‘ refers to the marginalized communities commonly known as Untouchables and Tribals, officially categorized as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. Originating from the ancient ...

Caste-Based Identity Politics in India

Caste-Based Identity Politics in India

The tapestry of Indian politics is woven with the intricate threads of caste-based identity, a phenomenon deeply ingrained in the nation’s social fabric. This article seeks to delve into the historical origins, scholarly perspectives, and multifaceted dimensions of caste-based identity politics in India, offering a nuanced understanding of its complexities. Scholarly Perspectives: Caste and Political ...

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