Articles for tag: Concept of liberty, Democracy, Education, Freedom, good governance, Negative liberty, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Politics, positive liberty, Public administration, Society, two concepts of liberty by Isaiah Berlin, Western Political thought

Concept of Liberty

Concept of Liberty: Freedom, Rights, and Democracy

Liberty, often referred to as freedom, is the foundational principle that grants individuals the ability to make choices and live without excessive constraints, serving as a cornerstone of democratic societies. Introduction The concept of liberty, derived from the Latin word ‘liber’ meaning freedom, holds a significant place in the realm of political philosophy and social ...

John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)

J.S Mill: The Philosopher of Liberty and Representative Government

John Stuart Mill was a 19th-century philosopher and economist known for his influential writings on individual liberty, utilitarian ethics, and the potential dangers of majority tyranny in democratic societies. His ideas continue to shape modern political and ethical discourse. Introduction John Stuart Mill, a prominent figure in the 19th century, was a philosopher, economist, and ...

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