Articles for tag: Democracy, good governance, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Politics, Society, Ziauddin Barani

Ziauddin Barani

Ziauddin Barani: A Historical Visionary of the Delhi Sultanate

Ziauddin Barani (1285–1357) was a medieval Indian historian and political thinker during the Delhi Sultanate. Known for his influential works, including the “Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi,” he provided insights into the political and social dynamics of his time. Introduction  Ziauddin Barani, born in 1283 and living until 1359, emerged as a significant political thinker during the daily ...


Postmodernism: A Critical Exploration

Postmodernism questions absolute truths, embracing subjectivity, irony, and deconstruction to challenge established narratives and power structures in art and thought. Introduction In the intricate tapestry of philosophical thought, postmodernism emerges as a captivating reaction against the pursuit of objective reality. Advocates of postmodernism contend that reality is a mental construct, casting doubt on explanations claiming ...


Multiculturalism: Embracing Diversity in Society

“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people” Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of cultural dynamics, the term “multiculturalism” emerged in 1965 in Canada, encapsulating a distinctive approach to addressing the challenges posed by cultural diversity. This approach was formally adopted as public policy in 1971. Multiculturalism is intricately linked with ...


Ecologism: Meaning, Models and Purpose

“First law of ecology is everything is related to everything else” – Barry Commoner Introduction Ecologism, a robust ideology crystallizing since the 1960s, traces its intellectual lineage back centuries, yet its autonomy as a set of ideas and actionable principles is a recent phenomenon. Distinct from environmentalism, where the safeguarding of the environment primarily stems ...


Feminism: From Origins to the Third Wave

“I do not wish women to have power over men but themselves”- Mary Wollstonecraft Introduction The term ‘feminism,’ born in the 20th century, is a powerful political force defined by two fundamental beliefs: the acknowledgment of women’s disadvantage due to their gender and the commitment to overthrow this disadvantage. This ideology challenges a deep-seated “mobilization ...


Marxism: A Dive into its Origins and Streams

Marxism is a socio-economic and political theory that views society as divided into classes based on the ownership of the means of production. It advocates for a classless, communist society where the working class collectively controls these means. Introduction Embarking on a journey through the rich tapestry of social thought, we encounter Marxism, a paradigm ...


Socialism: An In-Depth Exploration of its Origins and Classifications

Socialism advocates collective ownership of the means of production, aiming for equitable wealth distribution and a cooperative approach to governance. Introduction The genesis of socialism in the early 19th century marked a pivotal moment in political and economic thought. This movement emerged as a reaction against the societal and economic consequences ushered in by industrial ...


Conservatism: Ideology, History and Influence

Conservatism is a political ideology valuing tradition, stability, and limited government intervention to preserve established societal norms. Introduction Conservatism, a term coined in the early 19th century, encapsulates a political ideology rooted in a reluctance to embrace change, particularly in response to the transformative waves of the French Revolution. Russell Kirk in his work, ’The ...


Liberalism: From Individualism to Democracy

Liberalism is a political and social philosophy that emphasizes individual rights, equality, and the rule of law. It advocates for a limited government that protects personal freedoms and promotes a market-oriented economy. Introduction Liberalism, a multifaceted system of political thought, places the interests and goals of the individual above those of society or the state. ...


Citizenship: A Comprehensive Overview

Citizenship is the legal status of being a member of a particular country, entailing rights, responsibilities, and privileges. It is often acquired through birth, naturalization, or descent. Introduction Citizenship is a multifaceted concept that transcends mere legal status and nationality. While it is often associated with a set of rights and entitlements guaranteed by a ...

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