Articles for tag: Education, Freedom, good governance, Indian Political Thought, Pandita Ramabai, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Society, Women Empowerment

Pandita Ramabai

Pandita Ramabai: A Pioneer in Women’s Empowerment

“A life totally committed to God has nothing to fear, nothing to lose, nothing to regret.” – Pandita Ramabai Introduction Pandita Ramabai (1853-1922) is widely recognized not only as a prominent social reformer and scholar but also as one of the earliest feminists in modern Indian history, dedicating her efforts to the emancipation of Indian women. ...


Justice: A Comprehensive Exploration

“Remove justice, and what are kingdoms, but gangs of criminals on a large scale.” – Saint Augustine Introduction The concept of justice has been at the forefront of political philosophy for centuries, dating back to the time of Plato. Derived from the Latin word ‘justicia,’ meaning joining or fitting, justice plays a pivotal role in ...

Concept of Liberty

Concept of Liberty: Freedom, Rights, and Democracy

Liberty, often referred to as freedom, is the foundational principle that grants individuals the ability to make choices and live without excessive constraints, serving as a cornerstone of democratic societies. Introduction The concept of liberty, derived from the Latin word ‘liber’ meaning freedom, holds a significant place in the realm of political philosophy and social ...

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