Articles for tag: Democracy, Education, good governance, Labor Movements, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Public administration, Society

Labor Movements

Labor Movements

Labor movements in India advocate for workers’ rights, pushing for better conditions, fair pay, and social protections through strikes, protests, and negotiations, influencing labor laws and policies nationwide. Introduction The industrialization journey in India was characterized by a gradual pace, with coal mining being the solitary industry that resembled modern standards until approximately the middle ...

Civil Society in India

Civil Society in India

Understanding Civil Society: Civil society is a multifaceted concept encompassing a broad array of civic organizations, grassroots movements, advocacy groups, and voluntary associations. It embodies the collective voice and actions of citizens who come together to address common concerns, advance shared values, and contribute to societal well-being. Unlike governmental institutions and private enterprises, civil society ...

New Economic Policy

New Economic Policy 

The New Economic Policy aims to liberalize and rejuvenate the economy through market-oriented reforms while maintaining state control over key sectors, fostering a mixed economy model. Introduction: The economic landscape of post-independence India was shaped by a confluence of historical factors, ideological inclinations, and pragmatic aspirations. The leaders of newly-independent India, deeply influenced by the ...

Security in International Relations

Security in International Relations

Security, a complex and multifaceted concept, undergoes meticulous examination through various lenses. Barry Buzan’s comprehensive view introduces a five-fold framework that includes political, economic, societal, environmental, and military aspects, forming the bedrock of a holistic security discourse. In the realm of international relations, the concept of securitization takes center stage. Pioneered by the Copenhagen School ...

Louis Althusser

Structural Marxism in the International Arena

Structural Marxism in international relations analyzes global politics through class struggle, capitalist exploitation, and unequal power dynamics, advocating for revolutionary change. Introduction Within the realm of international relations, Structural Marxism provides a distinctive analytical framework that views global politics through the prism of class struggle and the dynamics of capitalist structures. Rooted in the foundational ...

Social Constructivism

Social Constructivism in International Relations

Social Constructivism in International Relations posits that states’ behaviors and identities are socially constructed through interactions and shared understandings. It emphasizes the role of norms, beliefs, and discourse in shaping international cooperation, conflict, and institutions. Introduction The theory of constructivism in International Relations (IR) is not a recent phenomenon but has gained renewed attention post ...

Critical International Theory: A Comprehensive Exploration

Critical International Theory: A Comprehensive Exploration

Critical International Theory examines power dynamics, norms, and inequalities in global politics, emphasizing emancipation, social justice, and questioning dominant narratives. It scrutinizes how systems maintain hierarchies and advocates for transformative change toward equality and inclusivity. Introduction: Critical International Theory, rooted in the neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, emerges as a dynamic intellectual framework. Originating ...

Postmodernism in International Relations

Postmodernism in International Relations

Postmodernism in International relations deconstructs power, truth, and knowledge, emphasizing subjectivity and context over universal narratives, challenging traditional structures and advocating for plurality and inclusivity. Introduction: Postmodernism challenges the conventional notion that reality is a fixed entity universally understood by humans. Instead, it posits that individuals construct their own realities, marking a departure from traditional ...

Feminist Perspectives in International Relations

Feminist Perspectives in International Relations

Feminist perspectives in international relations critically analyze power structures, challenge gender biases, and strive for equality, inclusion, and the recognition of women’s agency in shaping global politics and policies. Introduction: In the realm of International Relations, the feminist perspective has emerged as a transformative force, challenging conventional ideologies and advocating for the recognition of women’s ...

State: Definition, History, Figures & Facts

State: Definition, History, Figures & Facts

“A community of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self sufficing life by which we mean a happy and honorable life” – Aristotle Introduction: At the heart of societal organization lies the state, a concept Aristotle deemed the most universal and potent of all social institutions. This innate structure, rooted in ...

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