Articles for tag: Comparative Politics, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Politics, Public administration, Revolution, , Society, Theories of Revolution, Western Political thought


Theories of Revolution: Understanding the Dynamics of Social and Political Change

Revolution is a sudden and profound change in a society’s political, social, or economic structure, often characterized by mass upheaval and the overthrow of established systems or authorities. It represents a radical shift in the status quo and can lead to transformative outcomes. Introduction Revolutions have been a driving force in shaping the course of ...

Social Movements

Social Movements: Types and Stages

Social movements are organized efforts to drive social or political change or resist change through collective action and advocacy. Introduction Social movements have long been a driving force for change in society, bringing together like-minded individuals with a common purpose. These movements are a testament to the power of collective action and their ability to ...

Electoral Systems: Different types of Voting Systems

Electoral Systems: Different types of Voting Method

An electoral system is a set of rules and procedures used to determine how representatives are chosen in a democracy, typically involving methods like first-past-the-post or proportional representation to allocate seats based on votes cast. The specific system used can greatly impact the fairness and outcomes of elections. Introduction The electoral system is the backbone ...

Civil Society, NGOs and Interest Groups

The Role of Civil Society, NGOs and Interest Groups in Democracy and Social Change

In the dynamic landscape of democracy and social transformation, the pivotal contributions of civil society, NGOs, and Interest groups shine as catalysts for change and progress. Introduction Civil society, often referred to as the “third sector” of society, plays a critical role in representing the shared interests, values, and behavior of the public. Distinct from ...

Political Parties and Party System

Political Parties and Party Systems in Modern Democracy

Political parties are organized groups of individuals with common political goals and ideologies. A party system refers to the arrangement of political parties in a given country, which can be characterized as a one-party, two-party, multi-party, or non-partisan system. Introduction In the realm of modern democracy, political parties stand as a cornerstone, serving as the ...

Constitutionalism: Comparative study of Constitutions around the world

Constitutionalism: Comparative study of Constitutions around the world

Constitutionalism is the principle that a government’s authority is derived from and limited by a constitution, ensuring the rule of law and protection of individual rights. It establishes a framework for governance based on fundamental laws and principles. Introduction In the complex world of politics and governance, constitutionalism stands as a beacon of hope for ...

Dependency Theory

Dependency Theory: Theory of Underdevelopment

Dependency theory is a socio-economic concept suggesting that underdevelopment in many countries is a result of their economic dependence on and exploitation by more developed nations. It posits that this dependency perpetuates unequal power dynamics and hinders progress in the less developed countries. Introduction In the realm of international politics, Dependency Theory and the Theory ...

Modernization Theory

Modernization Theory: Western Approach to Development

Modernization theory posits that societies progress through stages of development, moving from traditional to modern forms, with economic growth and technological advancements playing key roles in this transformation. It suggests that Western models of development, such as industrialization and democracy, are universal and desirable for all nations. Introduction The post-World War II era witnessed a ...

Theories of Nationalism

Theories of Nationalism: Diverse Perspectives

What is Nationalism? Nationalism is a complex and enduring ideology that centers around the deep attachment individuals feel toward their nation. It is rooted in the belief that a nation, often defined by shared characteristics like language, culture, history, and geography, constitutes a unique and valuable identity. This sentiment can manifest in different ways, such ...

Nationalism: European and Non-European

Nationalism: European and Non-European

Nationalism is a strong sense of loyalty and devotion to one’s own nation, often characterized by a desire for its sovereignty and a shared cultural identity. It can manifest as a powerful force for unity or lead to conflicts when taken to extremes. Introduction Nationalism, a powerful concept deeply ingrained in the fabric of society, ...

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