Articles for tag: C. Wright Mills, Comparative Politics, Education, Elite Theory, Gaetano Mosca, Ortega Y Gasset, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Politics, Power Structures, Public administration, Robert Michels, Society, Vilfredo Pareto, Western Political thought

Elite Theory - Its definition, Theorists and Power Structures

Elite Theory: Definition, Theorists and Power Structures

Elite theory posits that a small, powerful minority, often found in political, economic, and military sectors, holds significant influence over decision-making in society, challenging the ideal of equal representation in democracies. Introduction – What is Elite Theory? In the realm of political science and sociology, the Elite Theory has emerged as a critical concept that ...

Colonialism and Decolonization

Colonialism and Decolonization: A Historical Overview

Colonialism and Decolonization are pivotal chapters in the history of human civilization, marking profound shifts in power dynamics, economies, and cultures. Colonialism is a system in which one nation extends its control over other territories, exploiting their resources and exerting dominance. Whereas, Decolonization is the process of ending colonial rule, enabling formerly colonized nations to ...

Theory of State

State Theory: From its Origins to Modern Ideological Debates and The Idea of Sovereignty in Globalized World

State theory is a political theory that emphasizes the importance of the state as the primary actor in shaping and controlling societal and economic processes, often associated with statist policies and intervention. It asserts that the state plays a central role in regulating and influencing various aspects of a society’s functioning. Introduction The concept of ...

Political Regimes - Democratic and Non- Democratic Governments

Political Regimes: Democratic and Non Democratic Systems of Government

Political regimes encompass democratic and non-democratic systems, profoundly influencing a nation’s governance, rights, and well-being. This exploration will illuminate their fundamental differences and impact on a country’s trajectory. Introduction Political regimes play a pivotal role in shaping the governance, power distribution, and overall dynamics of a nation.  Roy Macridis defines “Political regime as the embodiment ...

Institutional and New Institutional Approach

The Institutional and New Institutional Approach to Comparative Politics

Institutional approach is a perspective in social sciences that focuses on the impact of formal and informal rules, norms, and organizations on human behavior and societal outcomes. It examines how institutions, such as governments, laws, and cultural traditions, shape individuals’ actions and influence economic, political, and social development. Introduction In the field of political science, ...

Political Economy

Political Economy: Definition, Evolution and Significance into Contemporary World

Political Economy is the study of how politics and economics intersect, influencing the allocation of resources and the formulation of policies that shape society. Introduction Political Economy is a multifaceted concept that forms the very bedrock of our modern society, influencing the way governments function within the realm of economics. Political Economy emerged as an ...

Behavioural Approach

Behaviouralism in Political Science: Definition, Origin and Post-Behaviouralism

Behaviouralism in Political Science focuses on understanding and explaining human behavior through observable actions, emphasizing the importance of empirical observation and scientific methods. Introduction The field of political science has seen significant changes over the years, with different schools of thought shaping the way we study and understand politics. One such transformation was brought about ...

Gabriel Almond

Structural-Functional Approach to Political Systems by Gabriel Almond

Gabriel Almond’s Structural-Functional Approach views political systems as interconnected structures with multifunctional elements, emphasizing stability and the evolution of systems through stages of development. Introduction Originally, Structural-Functional approach originated in Anthropology and Sociology and was later popularized by Malinowski, Radcliffe Brown, Talcott Parson and Robert Merton. However in comparative politics this approach was developed by ...

Comparative Politics

Study of Comparative Politics: Its meaning and evolution over time

Comparative politics is the study of different political systems and their structures, behaviors, and outcomes, often focusing on cross-national comparisons to understand political phenomena. It seeks to uncover patterns and differences in governance, institutions, and political behavior across diverse countries. Introduction In the realm of political science, Comparative Politics stands as one of its fundamental ...

Peter Drucker

Management by Objectives (MBO) by Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker, the father of modern corporate management, introduced innovative concepts like Management by Objectives (MBO) and emphasized the importance of effective organizational practices in his influential writings. Introduction In the world of modern corporate management, one name stands out as the pioneer of innovative management techniques: Peter Drucker. Often hailed as the “father of ...

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