Articles for tag: Ideal state of Plato, Philosopher King by Plato, Plato, Theory of Communism by Plato, Theory of Education by plato, Theory of Justice, Theory of Souls by Plato

Plato: Exploring the Philosopher King, Educational Theory, and Communism

Introduction Plato, a student of Socrates, was born in the year 427 BC within the city of Athens. He is renowned for laying the philosophical groundwork for Greek political theory, encompassing a wide array of philosophical concepts and topics that continue to underpin the Western political tradition. Often referred to as the Father of Political ...

John Rawls

“Justice as Fairness” – John Rawls’ Theory of Justice

Justice, the binding force that weaves through all societies, is essential for upholding order and harmony within a state. It is the yearning of individuals to be treated fairly, leading to their social and personal well-being. A just society is founded on the principle that all its members should reap the benefits without exceptions. Throughout ...

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