Articles for author:


Migration: A Comprehensive Exploration

Introduction Migration, a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, involves the movement of people either permanently or temporarily, driven by a myriad of factors such as economic opportunities, political dynamics, and social considerations. This intricate process manifests on a global scale, involving transitions between countries or within a single nation. A poignant aspect of migration revolves around ...


OPEC: Managing Global Oil Supply for Economic Stability

Introduction: The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), established in 1960 at the Baghdad Conference, has evolved into a crucial intergovernmental organization that plays a pivotal role in managing the global supply of oil. Comprising significant oil-exporting nations, OPEC aims to regulate oil prices, prevent market fluctuations, and ensure stability in both oil-producing and ...


BRICS: Forging a New Path in Global Politics and Economics

Introduction BRICS, an acronym representing five prominent emerging national economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has become a compelling force in the global arena. Since its inception, this alliance has significantly impacted the economic, political, and social landscape of the world. In this detailed blog, we will delve into the history, significance, ...

India and the Gulf Cooperation Council

“India and the Gulf Cooperation Council: Nurturing a Comprehensive Partnership”

Introduction: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has evolved into a significant geopolitical entity, comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, since its establishment in 1981. Positioned as a regional political and economic alliance, the GCC strives to achieve closer unity among the energy-rich Gulf nations. Against this backdrop, India’s Look ...

The World Trade Organization (WTO)

World Trade Organization: A Comprehensive Exploration of Structure, Functions, and Recent Milestones”

Introduction: The World Trade Organization (WTO) stands as the linchpin of the global economic landscape, orchestrating a multifaceted system that goes beyond merely setting trade rules. The genesis of the WTO can be traced back to the landmark 1994 Marrakesh Agreement, a pact that marked a paradigm shift from the General Agreement on Tariffs and ...

World Health Organization

World Health Organization’s (WHO) Foundations and Functions

Introduction: World Health Organization (WHO) Established in 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) emerged as the pioneer in global health organizations, a key player in the United Nations system. Nestled in the picturesque city of Geneva, Switzerland, WHO operates under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). April 7th marks ...


Power: A Thorough Examination of Its Definition and Constituent Elements

Power, in general, is the capacity to influence or control the behavior of others. In international relations, power operates through military strength, economic leverage, diplomatic alliances, and cultural influence. States use these tools to pursue their interests, shape global norms, and maintain or enhance their position in the international system. In the intricate tapestry of ...

Security in International Relations

Security in International Relations

Security, a complex and multifaceted concept, undergoes meticulous examination through various lenses. Barry Buzan’s comprehensive view introduces a five-fold framework that includes political, economic, societal, environmental, and military aspects, forming the bedrock of a holistic security discourse. In the realm of international relations, the concept of securitization takes center stage. Pioneered by the Copenhagen School ...

International War Treaties

Important International War Treaties and Agreements

Ensuring international peace necessitates the careful orchestration of arms control through diplomatic channels and the establishment of treaties. This comprehensive article meticulously examines key historical agreements, elucidating their origins, objectives, and lasting impacts on the global geopolitical landscape. Some Important International Treaties – Treaty of Westphalia (1648): Treaty of Versailles (1919): Treaty of Sevres (1920): ...

Louis Althusser

Structural Marxism in the International Arena

Structural Marxism in international relations analyzes global politics through class struggle, capitalist exploitation, and unequal power dynamics, advocating for revolutionary change. Introduction Within the realm of international relations, Structural Marxism provides a distinctive analytical framework that views global politics through the prism of class struggle and the dynamics of capitalist structures. Rooted in the foundational ...

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