B.A(H) Political Science SOL DU 2nd Semester | Unit Wise Notes


Political Theory-Concepts and Debates
Section A: Concept
I. Importance of Freedom
Negative Freedom: Liberty
Positive Liberty: Liberty as Liberation and Development
II. Importance of Equality
Formal Equality: Equality of Opportunity
Political Equality
Egalitarianism: Inequalities of Background and Differential Treatment
III. Imperative of Justice
Procedural Justice
Distributive Justice
Global Justice
IV. Universality of Rights
Natural Rights
Moral and Legal Rights
Three Generations of Rights
Rights and Obligations
Section B: Major Debates
I. Why Should We Obey the Kingdom? Political Liability and Issues of Civil Disobedience.
II. Are Human Rights Universal? The Issue of Cultural Relativism.
III. How do We Accommodate Diversity in a Pluralistic Society? Issues of Multiculturalism and Tolerance.
Political Process in India
I. Political Parties and Party System
National Parties and State Parties; Trends in the Party System; From Congress System to Multi-Party Alliances
II. Determinants of Voting Behavior
Electoral Process, Representation and social determinants of voting behavior; Election Commission and Electoral Reforms
III. Religion and Politics
Debate on Secularism
Minority and Majority Communalism
IV. Caste and Politics
Politicization of Caste and Caste in Politics
V. Tribes and Politics
Policies and Challenges: Fifth and Sixth Schedules; Forest Rights Act; Development and Issues of Displacement
VI. The changing nature of the Indian state
Developmental, Welfare and Resilient Dimensions
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