B.A(H) Political Science SOL DU 3rd Semester | Unit Wise Notes


I. Understanding Comparative Politics
Nature and Scope
Going beyond Eurocentrism
III. Historical Context of Modern Government
Capitalism: Meaning and Growth: Globalization
Socialism: Meaning, Growth and Development
Colonialism and Decolonization:
Meaning, context, forms of colonialism; Anticolonialism struggles and process of decolonization
III. Themes for Comparative Analysis
Comparative study of constitutional development and political economy in the following countries:
I. Public Administration as a Discipline
(a) Meaning of Discipline (Public Administration), Dimensions, Importance
(b) Public and Private Administration
(c) Evolution of Public Administration
II. Theoretical approach
Classical Theories:
(a) Scientific Management (F W Taylor)
(b) Administrative Management (Gulick, Urwick and Fayol)
(c) Ideal Type Bureaucracy (Max Weber)
Neoclassical Theories:
(a) Human Relations Theory (Elton Mayo)
(b) Rational Decision Making (Herbert Simon)
Contemporary Theories:
(a) Ecological Approach (Fred Riggs)
(b) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Peter Drucker)
III. Public Policy
(a) Concept, Relevance and Approach Formulation
(b) Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation
IV. Major Approaches in Public Administration
(a) New Public Administration
(b) New Public Management
(c) New Public Service Approach
(d) Good Governance
(e) Feminist Approach
(f) Development Administration
A. Study of International Relations
How do you understand International Relations: Levels of Analysis
History and IR: Emergence of the International State System
Pre-Westphalia and Westphalia
B. Theoretical perspective
Classical Realism and Neo-realism
Liberalism and Neoliberalism
Marxist approach
Feminist Approach
Eurocentrism and Perspectives from the Global South
C. An overview of IR history of the twentieth century
World War I: Causes and Consequences
Importance of Bolshevik Revolution
Rise of Fascism / Nazism
World War II: Causes and Consequences
Cold War: Different Phases, Rise of the Third World, Fall of the USSR and end of the Cold War, Post-Cold War developments and the rise of other power centers
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