Postmodernism in International Relations

Postmodernism in International relations deconstructs power, truth, and knowledge, emphasizing subjectivity and context over universal narratives, challenging traditional structures and advocating for plurality and inclusivity.


Postmodernism challenges the conventional notion that reality is a fixed entity universally understood by humans. Instead, it posits that individuals construct their own realities, marking a departure from traditional views. This philosophical stance extends to International Relations (IR), rejecting the theoretical revolution as the foundation for comprehending the international system.

Postmodernism is a worldview characterized by a reaction against established norms, values, and beliefs of modernism and the age of enlightenment. It asserts that truth is not an objectively existing entity but a creation rather than a discovery. In the words of Lyotard (1984), it embodies “incredulity towards meta-narratives,” where stories told to justify others are met with skepticism.

Garner further describes postmodernism as a “multi-faceted theoretical approach challenging the certainties and dualisms of modernism while promoting pluralism.” This underscores its complexity and its departure from the rigid binaries inherent in modernist thinking.

The origins of post-modernism can be traced back to two influential French philosophers, Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, who emerged after the Second World War. The set of ideas gained academic prominence in the mid-1980s and was officially introduced into philosophical discourse with Jean Francois Lyotard’s work, “The Postmodern Condition,” in 1979.

Factors Driving Postmodernism:

Several historical factors contributed to the rise of postmodernism. The aftermath of two World Wars, the emergence of new scientific theories challenging Newtonian Mechanics, and the globalized information society driven by the ICT revolution all played pivotal roles. Additionally, the influence of anti-colonial, feminist, and indigenous people’s movements further spurred the acceptance of post-modernist ideas.

Assumptions of Postmodernism:

  • Rejection of Grand Narratives: Post-modernists assert their skepticism towards overarching narratives, opting instead for smaller, more localized mini-narratives. This challenges the notion of a universal truth and emphasizes the diversity of experiences.
  • Emphasis on Mini-Narratives: Rather than focusing on broad global events, postmodernism directs attention to the microcosms of daily life, exploring the significance of individual practices and their impact on shaping reality.
  • Relinquishing Universality: Post-modernism explicitly disavows claims to universality, truth, reason, or stability. Reality is seen as a subjective construct, acknowledging the influence of personal perspectives and cultural contexts.
  • Cultural Relativism: A cornerstone of postmodern thought is the belief that each culture and society crafts its own reality. This cultural relativism highlights the importance of understanding diverse perspectives.
  • Subjectivity of Influential Figures: Postmodernism challenges the assumption of impartiality in political figures, leaders, writers, authors, and policymakers, recognizing their subjectivity influenced by personal affiliations.
  • Skepticism Towards Science and Technology: In the post-modernist worldview, blind faith in science and technology as impartial vehicles of progress is rejected. Instead, their potential for bias and manipulation is emphasized.
  • Social Determinants of Psychology: Post-modernists boldly assert that nearly all aspects of human psychology are socially determined, dismantling essentialist views and encouraging a more socially contextualized understanding.
  • Deconstruction of Political Ideologies: Political ideologies, according to postmodernists, lack foundations, objective standards, fixed points, and universalism. They are seen as constructs of knowledge subject to interpretation.
  • Celebration of Diversity: Post-modernism celebrates diversity and difference, recognizing the richness that emerges from various perspectives. This inclusivity challenges hegemonic narratives and fosters a more pluralistic worldview.
  • Social Construction of Reality: At its core, postmodernism posits that the world is a social construction. This challenges the concept of an objective reality and underscores the influence of societal constructs on our understanding of the world.

Influential Postmodernist Thinkers:

Jacques Derrida:

Jacques Derrida, a luminary in postmodernist thought, reshaped philosophical discourse with his concept of deconstruction. In “Deconstruction in a Nutshell” (1997), he elucidates how language constructs reality while simultaneously undermining it. Derrida’s exploration unveils the intricate web of meanings woven into texts, challenging traditional notions of knowledge and truth. Through deconstruction, he exposes the inherent instability and ambiguity of language, highlighting how it shapes our understanding of the world. Derrida’s work prompts critical reflection on the limitations of language and the elusive nature of certainty, inviting readers to embrace the complexities of interpretation and meaning making in discourse.

Michel Foucault:

Michel Foucault’s “The History of Sexuality” (1976) is a groundbreaking exploration of how political power constructs truth and shapes societal norms, particularly in the realm of sexuality. Foucault meticulously dissects historical discourses to reveal the subtle yet pervasive ways in which power operates to regulate human behavior and define societal values. Through his analysis, he uncovers the complex interplay between power and knowledge, challenging conventional notions of truth while shedding light on the mechanisms of social control.

By examining the historical evolution of attitudes towards sexuality, Foucault invites readers to question the authority behind dominant discourses and interrogate the dynamics of power that underpin them. His work prompts critical reflection on the intricate relationship between knowledge and power, highlighting the profound impact of political forces on the construction of truth and the regulation of individual freedoms. Foucault’s insights continue to inspire scholars to reevaluate the structures of power within society and advocate for greater awareness of the mechanisms that shape our understanding of the world.

Martin Heidegger:

In “Being and Time” (1927), Martin Heidegger challenges Western thought by offering an alternative perspective on humanity’s existence and its relation to the world. Heidegger’s work delves into the fundamental question of being, urging readers to reconsider their understanding of existence beyond conventional philosophical frameworks. He advocates for a more open and authentic relationship with living beings, emphasizing the interconnectedness of human beings with the world around them.

By questioning traditional philosophical assumptions, Heidegger prompts a reevaluation of the human condition and our place within the broader context of existence. His call for a deeper engagement with the world offers a compelling invitation to explore new avenues of understanding and connection, fostering a more holistic approach to life and relationships with both human and non-human entities.

Friedrich Nietzsche:

As a progenitor of postmodern thought, Friedrich Nietzsche’s essay “On Truth and Lies in the Extra Moral Sense” disrupts conventional Western rationality by introducing the concept of perspectivism. Nietzsche dismantles the notion of absolute truth, arguing that all human understanding is shaped by subjective perspectives and interpretations. In doing so, he highlights the fluid and contingent nature of truth, undermining the authority of objective knowledge.

Through his exploration of perspectivism, Nietzsche provokes a radical reassessment of epistemological assumptions, inviting readers to embrace the plurality of viewpoints inherent in human experience. His critique of absolute truth challenges entrenched beliefs, opening the door to a more nuanced understanding of reality that acknowledges the diversity of perspectives and interpretations.

Jean Francois Lyotard:

In “The Postmodern Condition” (1979), Jean-François Lyotard succinctly characterizes postmodernism as the rejection of grand narratives or meta-narratives, advocating for skepticism towards universal theories. Lyotard argues that in the postmodern era, traditional overarching narratives that claim to explain history or reality lose their credibility and relevance. Instead, he suggests embracing diverse, fragmented perspectives that reflect the complexity and plurality of contemporary society.

By challenging the validity of meta-narratives, Lyotard prompts critical reflection on the nature of knowledge and truth, advocating for an epistemological shift towards acknowledging and respecting diverse viewpoints. His work catalyzes a reevaluation of the role of grand narratives in shaping collective understanding, inviting individuals to engage with multiplicity and uncertainty in navigating the complexities of modern life.

Jean Baudrillard:

In “The Consumer Society” (1970) and “Simulacra and Simulation,” Jean Baudrillard delves into the evolution of society from material production to the commodification of knowledge. He argues that this shift has resulted in a hyper-reality where signs and symbols hold more significance than actual reality. Baudrillard posits that the proliferation of images and simulations has led to a blurring of the boundaries between what is real and what is artificial.

By examining the dominance of signs and symbols in contemporary culture, Baudrillard sheds light on the increasing detachment of society from authentic experiences. His analysis prompts reflection on the nature of reality in an age saturated with media representations, challenging individuals to navigate the complexities of a world where the simulated often takes precedence over the genuine.


Postmodernism, with its emphasis on individual construction of reality and rejection of universal truths, marks a paradigm shift in philosophical and IR discourse. As we navigate the complexities of our contemporary world, embracing the diverse perspectives offered by post-modernism becomes increasingly crucial for a more nuanced understanding of reality and international relations.

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