Articles for tag: citizen grievances, Democracy, Education, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Public administration, Right to Information Act, Right to Information Act 2005

Right to Information Act

Right to Information Act: A Comprehensive Overview

RTI, or Right to Information, is a fundamental democratic principle that empowers citizens to request and receive information from government institutions, fostering transparency and civic engagement. Introduction The Right to Information (RTI) Act of 2005 stands as a crucial pillar of democratic governance in India. It was introduced with the primary goal of addressing citizen ...

Social Audit

Social Audit and Jansunwai: Tools for Accountability and Transparency in India

Social audits are assessments of an organization’s social and ethical performance, often conducted by stakeholders or government to ensure compliance with ethical standards and social responsibility goals. Introduction In today’s dynamic world, where organizations play a pivotal role in shaping society, there is a growing need for transparency and accountability. One way to achieve this ...

NITI Aayog

NITI Aayog: Transforming India’s Policy Landscape

NITI Aayog is a policy think tank in India that replaces the Planning Commission, adopting a bottom-up approach and cooperative federalism to formulate and implement development policies, emphasizing the active involvement of states in the decision-making process. Introduction In 2015, a transformative shift in India’s policy framework took place with the establishment of the National ...


E-Governance: A Path to Transparency and Efficiency

E-governance is the use of digital technology to enhance government operations and service delivery, promoting transparency and efficiency in public administration. Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of the digital age, governments worldwide are realizing the potential of e-governance to enhance their services, foster transparency, and facilitate efficient interactions between citizens, businesses, and governmental stakeholders. ...

Good Governance

Good Governance: Transparency, Accountability, and Inclusivity

“What we want is minimum government and maximum governance” – Harlan Cleveland Introduction Good governance in a democracy serves as the catalyst for harmonious coexistence, ensuring minimal interference in individual liberties while maximizing support for the common welfare, transparency, accountability, and responsive, participatory decision-making, fostering a thriving society. The concept of good governance goes beyond ...

Electoral Systems: Different types of Voting Systems

Electoral Systems: Different types of Voting Method

An electoral system is a set of rules and procedures used to determine how representatives are chosen in a democracy, typically involving methods like first-past-the-post or proportional representation to allocate seats based on votes cast. The specific system used can greatly impact the fairness and outcomes of elections. Introduction The electoral system is the backbone ...

Civil Society, NGOs and Interest Groups

The Role of Civil Society, NGOs and Interest Groups in Democracy and Social Change

In the dynamic landscape of democracy and social transformation, the pivotal contributions of civil society, NGOs, and Interest groups shine as catalysts for change and progress. Introduction Civil society, often referred to as the “third sector” of society, plays a critical role in representing the shared interests, values, and behavior of the public. Distinct from ...

Political Parties and Party System

Political Parties and Party Systems in Modern Democracy

Political parties are organized groups of individuals with common political goals and ideologies. A party system refers to the arrangement of political parties in a given country, which can be characterized as a one-party, two-party, multi-party, or non-partisan system. Introduction In the realm of modern democracy, political parties stand as a cornerstone, serving as the ...

Public Policy

Public Policy: Stages and Processes

Public policy refers to the set of government actions, decisions, and regulations aimed at addressing and resolving various societal issues and challenges. It encompasses a wide range of measures designed to promote the public interest and welfare. Introduction Public policies, the backbone of a nation’s governance, are intricately woven into the fabric of democracy. These ...

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