Articles for tag: Comparative Politics, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Political system, Politics, Society

Comparative Politics

Study of Comparative Politics: Its meaning and evolution over time

Comparative politics is the study of different political systems and their structures, behaviors, and outcomes, often focusing on cross-national comparisons to understand political phenomena. It seeks to uncover patterns and differences in governance, institutions, and political behavior across diverse countries. Introduction In the realm of political science, Comparative Politics stands as one of its fundamental ...

Peter Drucker

Management by Objectives (MBO) by Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker, the father of modern corporate management, introduced innovative concepts like Management by Objectives (MBO) and emphasized the importance of effective organizational practices in his influential writings. Introduction In the world of modern corporate management, one name stands out as the pioneer of innovative management techniques: Peter Drucker. Often hailed as the “father of ...

Mary Parker Follett

Mary Parker Follett: Constructive Conflict, Depersonalizing Orders and Transformational Leadership

Mary Parker Follett, a pioneering management theorist, redefined leadership and conflict resolution through her innovative ideas on constructive conflict and transformational leadership. Her work continues to shape modern organizational practices. Introduction Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933) was a trailblazing American management theorist, social worker, and pioneer in the field of organizational management. Her groundbreaking ideas on ...

Communication theory by Karl Deutsch

Communication theory by Karl Deutsch: Exploring the Science of Political Communication and Control

Karl Deutsch’s Communication theory centers on the idea that communication is the core element in political systems, emphasizing its role in shaping perceptions, decisions, and societal cohesion in both technological and human contexts. This theory underscores the significance of effective communication as a driving force in political and social processes. Introduction Communication is at the ...

Chester Barnard

Theory of Organization by Chester Barnard: A Blueprint for Effective Leadership and Cooperation

Chester Barnard’s Theory of Organization views organizations as cooperative, evolving social systems, emphasizing effective communication, consent-based authority, and a balance between employee contributions and inducements for success. Introduction In 1938, Chester Barnard, a prominent figure in the world of organizational theory, unveiled his groundbreaking insights in his book ‘The Functions of Executive.’ Drawing from his ...

Management Systems I-IV Model by Likert

Management Systems I-IV Model: Rensis Likert’s theory of Leadership

Management Systems I-IV Model developed by Rensis Likert who categorizes management styles into four levels of authority and control, ranging from exploitative-authoritative to participative, with the aim of guiding organizations towards more effective and participatory leadership. Introduction In the world of management and leadership theory, Rensis Likert is a name that holds considerable significance. His ...

Theory X and Theory Y by Douglas McGregor

Theory X and Theory Y by Douglas McGregor:  A Paradigm Shift in Managing Human Resources

Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y are two contrasting approaches to understanding and managing employee motivation and behavior in the workplace. Theory X assumes that employees are inherently lazy and need strict supervision, while Theory Y assumes that employees are inherently motivated and can be self-directed when provided with trust and opportunities. Introduction In ...

T-Group Model & Maturity Theory

T-Group Model by Chris Argyris: Exploring Organizational Development

T-Group Model Propounded by Chris Argyris advocates for a shift in organizational thinking by promoting the harmonious coexistence of personal development and organizational goals, fostering interpersonal competence and consensus-based decision-making. Introduction Chris Argyris, a prominent figure in the field of organizational psychology, offered a thought-provoking perspective on the intricate connection between individual personalities and the ...

Development Administration

The Evolution of Development Administration: From Post-Colonial Aspirations to Neoliberal Reforms

Development administration is the process of managing government policies, programs, and resources to promote economic and social progress within a country. It focuses on efficient and effective implementation of development initiatives to improve the well-being of the population. Introduction – Origin of Development Administration In the mid-20th century, a new concept emerged in the realm ...

Charles Lindblom

The Bargaining Approach to Decision-Making By Charles Lindblom

Bargaining approach propounded by Charles Lindblom emphasizes the incremental and fragmented nature of decision-making in complex political systems. It highlights the significance of negotiation and compromise among various stakeholders, acknowledging the limitations of comprehensive rational planning in policy formation. Introduction In the realm of public administration, decision-making is far from straightforward. Charles E. Lindblom, a ...

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