Articles for tag: Concept of Equality, Democracy, Egalitarianism, equality, Equality of Opportunity, Equality of Resources, good governance, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Politics, Public administration, Society

Concept of Equality

Concept of Equality

Equality is the principle of ensuring fairness and equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of their differences or backgrounds. It promotes a level playing field where everyone has the same opportunities and rights. Introduction The idea of equality stands as a defining feature of modern political thought, challenging the classical and medieval belief in natural ...

Concept of Liberty

Concept of Liberty: Freedom, Rights, and Democracy

Liberty, often referred to as freedom, is the foundational principle that grants individuals the ability to make choices and live without excessive constraints, serving as a cornerstone of democratic societies. Introduction The concept of liberty, derived from the Latin word ‘liber’ meaning freedom, holds a significant place in the realm of political philosophy and social ...

Key Public Policies Shaping India's Future

10 Key Public Policies Shaping India’s Future

Public policies serve as the blueprint for a society’s progress, shaping its direction and ensuring the well-being of its citizens. Introduction Public policies play a pivotal role in shaping the socio-economic landscape of a country. In India, several significant government initiatives are geared towards improving the living conditions and infrastructure in urban areas. This article ...

Lokpal and Lokayukta: The Role of Ombudsman

Lokpal and Lokayukta: The Role of Ombudsman

Lokpal and Lokayukta are anti-corruption ombudsman institutions in India at the national and state levels, respectively. They are tasked with investigating and addressing corruption complaints against public officials and government employees, serving as independent watchdogs to promote transparency and accountability in government operations. Introduction In every democratic nation, the protection of citizens’ rights and interests ...

Judicial Review and Judicial Activism in the Legal Landscape

Judicial Review and Judicial Activism in the Legal Landscape

Judicial Review empowers courts to uphold or strike down government actions against the constitution whereas Judicial Activism sees judges actively shaping societal issues and policies through their interpretations. Introduction  The concept of ‘judicial review’ is a fundamental legal power, allowing courts to assess and potentially invalidate legislative acts as unconstitutional. This authority extends beyond legislative ...

Accountability and Control

Accountability and Control: Corruption and Administrative reforms

The doctrine of the separation of powers is a fundamental concept in democratic governance that aims to prevent the abuse of power by dividing it among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the state. India, like many other democracies, follows a system of separation of powers, but it’s important to understand that it’s not ...

Social Audit

Social Audit and Jansunwai: Tools for Accountability and Transparency in India

Social audits are assessments of an organization’s social and ethical performance, often conducted by stakeholders or government to ensure compliance with ethical standards and social responsibility goals. Introduction In today’s dynamic world, where organizations play a pivotal role in shaping society, there is a growing need for transparency and accountability. One way to achieve this ...

NITI Aayog

NITI Aayog: Transforming India’s Policy Landscape

NITI Aayog is a policy think tank in India that replaces the Planning Commission, adopting a bottom-up approach and cooperative federalism to formulate and implement development policies, emphasizing the active involvement of states in the decision-making process. Introduction In 2015, a transformative shift in India’s policy framework took place with the establishment of the National ...


E-Governance: A Path to Transparency and Efficiency

E-governance is the use of digital technology to enhance government operations and service delivery, promoting transparency and efficiency in public administration. Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of the digital age, governments worldwide are realizing the potential of e-governance to enhance their services, foster transparency, and facilitate efficient interactions between citizens, businesses, and governmental stakeholders. ...

Good Governance

Good Governance: Transparency, Accountability, and Inclusivity

“What we want is minimum government and maximum governance” – Harlan Cleveland Introduction Good governance in a democracy serves as the catalyst for harmonious coexistence, ensuring minimal interference in individual liberties while maximizing support for the common welfare, transparency, accountability, and responsive, participatory decision-making, fostering a thriving society. The concept of good governance goes beyond ...

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