Tag: Political Science

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Mary Parker Follett: Constructive Conflict, Depersonalizing Orders and Transformational Leadership

Mary Parker Follett, a pioneering management theorist, redefined leadership and conflict resolution through her innovative ideas on constructive conflict and transformational leadership. Her work...

Communication theory by Karl Deutsch: Exploring the Science of Political Communication and Control

Karl Deutsch's Communication theory centers on the idea that communication is the core element in political systems, emphasizing its role in shaping perceptions, decisions,...

Theory of Organization by Chester Barnard: A Blueprint for Effective Leadership and Cooperation

Chester Barnard's Theory of Organization views organizations as cooperative, evolving social systems, emphasizing effective communication, consent-based authority, and a balance between employee contributions and...

Management Systems I-IV Model: Rensis Likert’s theory of Leadership

Management Systems I-IV Model developed by Rensis Likert who categorizes management styles into four levels of authority and control, ranging from exploitative-authoritative to participative,...

Theory X and Theory Y by Douglas McGregor:  A Paradigm Shift in Managing Human Resources

Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y are two contrasting approaches to understanding and managing employee motivation and behavior in the workplace. Theory X...




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