Articles for tag: Democracy, Education, good governance, Political Science, Politics, Regionalism, Regionalism in India, Society

Regionalism in India

Regionalism in India: A Comprehensive Examination

Introduction: Regionalism, an intrinsic facet of India’s socio-political tapestry, delineates the profound attachment individuals harbor towards their respective regions. In a country as diverse as India, characterized by a kaleidoscope of ethnicities, religions, languages, and cultures, regionalism transcends mere geographical boundaries to emerge as a formidable force shaping political discourse and identity assertion. As Sanjiv ...

Language and Identity Politics

Language and Identity Politics in India: Exploring the Complex Interplay

Language and identity politics in India revolve around the diverse linguistic landscape, with tensions often arising over the recognition and dominance of certain languages, reflecting broader social and political dynamics. Introduction: The intricate relationship between language and identity in India is a multifaceted tapestry intricately woven with historical, cultural, and political threads. Language, serving as ...

Religion and Identity Politics in India

Religion and Identity Politics in India

Religion serves as a complex mosaic of belief systems, cultural traditions, and ethical frameworks that intricately intertwined humanity with notions of spirituality and moral guidance. However, the classification of individuals based on their religious convictions has not only catalyzed profound conflicts on a global scale but has also engendered intricate challenges for the foundational principles ...

Tribal Politics and Movements

Tribal Politics and Movements

The term “tribe” typically suggests “a community denoting a collection of primitive, uncivilized groups under recognized leaders.” The initial discussion on tribal identity was influenced by those advocating for the integration of tribes into the national citizenry and others aiming for their absorption into the Hindu community. A tribe refers to a collective of individuals ...

Caste-Based Identity Politics in India

Caste-Based Identity Politics in India

The tapestry of Indian politics is woven with the intricate threads of caste-based identity, a phenomenon deeply ingrained in the nation’s social fabric. This article seeks to delve into the historical origins, scholarly perspectives, and multifaceted dimensions of caste-based identity politics in India, offering a nuanced understanding of its complexities. Scholarly Perspectives: Caste and Political ...

Reorganization of States in India

Reorganization of States in India

During Independence, India was composed of two main types of political entities: the British Provinces, which were directly governed by the British Government, and the Princely States, which were ruled by native princes but were ultimately subject to the authority of the British Crown. Following the enactment of the Indian Independence Act in 1947, India ...

Labor Movements

Labor Movements

Labor movements in India advocate for workers’ rights, pushing for better conditions, fair pay, and social protections through strikes, protests, and negotiations, influencing labor laws and policies nationwide. Introduction The industrialization journey in India was characterized by a gradual pace, with coal mining being the solitary industry that resembled modern standards until approximately the middle ...

Women's Movements in India: A Holistic Exploration

Women’s Movements in India: A Holistic Exploration

Women’s movements in India have tirelessly fought for gender equality, challenging societal norms and advocating for women’s rights across all spheres of life, from education and politics to social and legal reforms. These movements have played a crucial role in empowering women and reshaping the country’s social landscape. Introduction: The advent of women’s movements in ...

Civil Society in India

Civil Society in India

Understanding Civil Society: Civil society is a multifaceted concept encompassing a broad array of civic organizations, grassroots movements, advocacy groups, and voluntary associations. It embodies the collective voice and actions of citizens who come together to address common concerns, advance shared values, and contribute to societal well-being. Unlike governmental institutions and private enterprises, civil society ...


Power: A Thorough Examination of Its Definition and Constituent Elements

Power, in general, is the capacity to influence or control the behavior of others. In international relations, power operates through military strength, economic leverage, diplomatic alliances, and cultural influence. States use these tools to pursue their interests, shape global norms, and maintain or enhance their position in the international system. In the intricate tapestry of ...

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