Articles for tag: Civic culture, Comparative Politics, Gabriel Almond, Political Culture, Political Philosophy, Political Science, Politics, Sidney Verba, Society

Political Culture by Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba

Political Culture Approach by Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba

Political Culture refers to the attitude, values and beliefs of people about political phenomena. Introduction  Under the behavioral approach the interest in political culture started to emerge in the 1950s and 1960s. The concept of Political Culture shares its roots from Sociology and Anthropology. The idea first emerged in Australia and was proposed by Gabriel ...

Public Administration

Public Administration: Understanding its Nature, Scope, and Evolution

Public administration is the implementation and management of government policies, programs, and services to serve the public interest and ensure effective governance. It involves tasks such as planning, budgeting, personnel management, and policy execution at various levels of government. Introduction – What is Public Administration? Public administration is a multifaceted field of study and practice ...

Public Policy

Public Policy: Stages and Processes

Public policy refers to the set of government actions, decisions, and regulations aimed at addressing and resolving various societal issues and challenges. It encompasses a wide range of measures designed to promote the public interest and welfare. Introduction Public policies, the backbone of a nation’s governance, are intricately woven into the fabric of democracy. These ...

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

Hierarchy of Needs By Abraham Maslow: Understanding Human Motivation and Fulfillment

Abraham Maslow proposed motivation theory, often depicted as a “hierarchy of needs”, suggests that people are motivated by fulfilling a sequence of physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs, with each level building upon the one below. Introduction Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, often referred to as Maslow’s motivation theory, is a widely recognized framework ...

John Rawls

“Justice as Fairness” – John Rawls’ Theory of Justice

Justice, the binding force that weaves through all societies, is essential for upholding order and harmony within a state. It is the yearning of individuals to be treated fairly, leading to their social and personal well-being. A just society is founded on the principle that all its members should reap the benefits without exceptions. Throughout ...

Ecological Approach

Ecological Approach By Fred Riggs

Fred Riggs, a political scientist, developed the “Ecological Approach” in the field of public administration. This approach focuses on the interaction between administrative systems and their external environment, emphasizing the importance of adapting administrative structures to the specific cultural, social, and political contexts in which they operate. Introduction – What is Ecological Approach? Administration does ...

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