Articles for author:

Arctic Council

The Arctic Council: Navigating Cooperation in a Changing Arctic Landscape

Introduction: In the face of rapid environmental, economic, and geopolitical changes in the Arctic region, the Arctic Council has emerged as a crucial forum for fostering cooperation among Arctic states and indigenous communities. Established in 1996, the Arctic Council serves as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and joint action on issues ranging from environmental protection ...

New Development Bank

The New Development Bank: Fostering Sustainable Development and Multilateral Cooperation

Introduction: In an era marked by global economic interdependence and the imperative of sustainable development, the emergence of the New Development Bank (NDB) represents a significant milestone in international financial architecture. Conceived as a response to the inadequacies of existing multilateral institutions, the NDB embodies a commitment to fostering inclusive growth, infrastructure development, and environmental ...

New International Economic Order

The New International Economic Order (NIEO): A Vision for Global Economic Justice in the 1970s

Introduction: In the tumultuous geopolitical landscape of the 1970s, the concept of the New International Economic Order (NIEO) emerged as a rallying cry for developing nations seeking to redress centuries of economic exploitation and inequality. Against the backdrop of decolonization, the Cold War rivalry, and rising social movements, the NIEO represented a bold vision for ...

Bretton Woods System

The Bretton Woods System: Architectural Pillar of Post-War Economic Order

Introduction: The Bretton Woods system stands as a cornerstone in the annals of international monetary history, representing a concerted effort by the global community to rebuild shattered economies and foster stability in the aftermath of World War II. Conceived during the seminal 1944 United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, this ...

International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court: A Comprehensive Overview and Recent Developments

The International Criminal Court (ICC), headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, stands as the world’s first permanent international criminal tribunal. Established through the adoption of the Rome Statute in July 1998, it officially entered into force in 2002, aiming to address and prosecute individuals for heinous international crimes. The ICC operates under the jurisdiction to prosecute ...

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP): A Landmark Trade Agreement Shaping the Asian Economic Landscape

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), hailed as the world’s largest trading agreement, emerged as a transformative force in the global economic arena. Originating from negotiations dating back to the ASEAN Cambodia summit in 2012, RCEP aimed to facilitate the seamless flow of products and services across its diverse member countries. This article provides a ...

Permanent Court of Arbitration

The Permanent Court of Arbitration: A Pillar of International Dispute Resolution

Introduction: The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), an esteemed intergovernmental organization headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, has played a pivotal role in fostering peaceful resolutions to international disputes since its establishment in 1899. This article delves into the history, functions, and significance of the PCA, highlighting its role as a forum for arbitration and dispute ...

Human Rights

Human Rights: From Origins to Evolution and Beyond

Introduction Human rights, stemming from the core essence of humanity, represent a contemporary iteration of natural rights with a rich historical backdrop. This comprehensive article delves into the nuanced facets of human rights, exploring their universality, legal underpinnings, inherent characteristics, and the three generations of rights. From historical antecedents to the modern international framework, we ...

International Terrorism

International Terrorism: Origins, Characteristics, and In-Depth Analysis of Terrorism Types

International terrorism, an intricate global challenge, involves the strategic use of violence to instill fear and achieve multifaceted objectives. This comprehensive exploration delves into the historical roots, nuanced characteristics, and detailed analysis of various types of terrorism, highlighting the evolving landscape of this global menace. Defining International Terrorism: Internationally recognized definitions from entities like the ...

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