CUET PG | Political Science

The CUET PG Political Science exam is a crucial gateway for students aspiring to pursue postgraduate studies in political science across various universities in India. This exam is designed to assess the candidate’s understanding of key political theories, concepts, and practices, both from a national and global perspective. The test covers a broad spectrum of topics, including Western and Indian political thought, international relations, comparative politics, public administration, and governance.

CUET PG Political Science Notes provide comprehensive and concise content tailored to the CUET PG exam syllabus. These notes cover essential topics, key concepts, and critical theories in political science, ensuring a thorough understanding for students. Designed to simplify complex ideas, they are an invaluable resource for mastering the subject and achieving success in the CUET PG exam. 

Source: This content has been developed using various reputable resources, including books by O.P. Gauba, Rajeev Bhargava, Ashok Acharya, Indian Polity, Garner and Andrew Heywood, as well as IGNOU notes and materials from online platforms such as Byju’s and Unacademy. It is designed to provide a comprehensive reference, ensuring you don’t need to consult multiple sources, as exams often pull questions from diverse materials. Here, you get everything in one place.

CUET-PG Political Science

Political Science Solution is the best platform for Political Science students, providing all the important topics unit-wise, covering detailed concepts relevant to the subject of Political Science for your specific exams like CUET PG, UGC NET, UPSC PSIR and even college exams.

Syllabus (CUET-PG) (HUQP18)
Sr. NoExamProgramLink
1(CUET-PG)Political ScienceClick Here
Western Political Philosophy
Sr. NoTopicLink
1PlatoClick Here
2AristotleClick Here
3MachiavelliClick Here
4HobbesClick Here
5LockeClick Here
6RousseauClick Here
7J.S. MillClick Here
8Karl MarxClick Here
9John RawlsClick Here
Indian Political Thought
Sr. NoTopicLink
1Raja Ram Mohan RoyClick Here
2GandhiClick Here
3AmbedkarClick Here
4SavarkarClick Here
5KautilyaClick Here
Political Theory
Sr. NoTopicLink
1Concept of LibertyClick Here
2LiberalismClick Here
3EqualityClick Here
4JusticeClick Here
5SovereigntyClick Here
6CitizenshipClick Here
7GenderClick Here
8DemocracyClick Here
9Human RightsClick Here
10StateClick Here
11Feminism IdeologyClick Here
International Relations
Sr. NoTopicLink
1RealismClick Here
2LiberalismClick Here
3Cold War PoliticsClick Here
4NAMClick Here
5SAARCClick Here
6United Nations (UN)Click Here
7European Union (EU)Click Here
8ASEANClick Here
Indian Foreign Policy
Sr. NoTopicLink
1India-China RelationClick Here
2India-Pakistan RelationsClick Here
3India – US RelationsClick Here
Indian Government and Politics
Sr. NoTopicLink
1Making of the Constituent AssemblyClick Here
2Constituent AssemblyClick Here
3Salient Features of ConstitutionClick Here
4PreambleClick Here
5Basic Structure of Indian ConstitutionClick Here
6Fundamental RightsClick Here
7Directive Principles of State PolicyClick Here
8Fundamental DutiesClick Here
9PresidentClick Here
10Prime MinisterClick Here
11Council of MinistersClick Here
12ParliamentClick Here
13Parliamentary CommitteesClick Here
14JudiciaryClick Here
15State LegislatureClick Here
16GovernorClick Here
17Chief Minister and Council of MinistersClick Here
18FederalismClick Here
19Centre – State RelationsClick Here
20Emergency ProvisionsClick Here
21Electoral Process and Election Commission of IndiaClick Here
22MunicipalitiesClick Here
23Finance Commission of IndiaClick Here
24National Commission for SCs and STsClick Here
25Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)Click Here
26Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)Click Here
27National Human Rights CommissionClick Here
28National Commission for WomenClick Here
29National Commission for MinoritiesClick Here
30List of Important Amendments in the Indian ConstitutionClick Here
Comparative Government and Politics
Sr. NoTopicLink
1Political CultureClick Here
2Political PartiesClick Here
3Electoral SystemsClick Here
4Approaches / ModelsClick Here
5Institutionalism and Neo Institutionalism ApproachClick Here
6Behavioural ApproachClick Here
7System TheoryClick Here
8Types of RegimesClick Here
Public Policies in India
Sr. NoTopicLink
1ModelsClick Here
2ProcessClick Here
3TypesClick Here
General Issues of Contemporary Relevance
Sr. NoTopicLink
1Global JusticeClick Here
2NationalismClick Here
3Nationalism TheoriesClick Here
4Climate ChangeClick Here
Previous CUET PG Political Science Previous Year Question Papers



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