Articles for author:

Social Constructivism

Social Constructivism in International Relations

Social Constructivism in International Relations posits that states’ behaviors and identities are socially constructed through interactions and shared understandings. It emphasizes the role of norms, beliefs, and discourse in shaping international cooperation, conflict, and institutions. Introduction The theory of constructivism in International Relations (IR) is not a recent phenomenon but has gained renewed attention post ...

Critical International Theory: A Comprehensive Exploration

Critical International Theory: A Comprehensive Exploration

Critical International Theory examines power dynamics, norms, and inequalities in global politics, emphasizing emancipation, social justice, and questioning dominant narratives. It scrutinizes how systems maintain hierarchies and advocates for transformative change toward equality and inclusivity. Introduction: Critical International Theory, rooted in the neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, emerges as a dynamic intellectual framework. Originating ...

Postmodernism in International Relations

Postmodernism in International Relations

Postmodernism in International relations deconstructs power, truth, and knowledge, emphasizing subjectivity and context over universal narratives, challenging traditional structures and advocating for plurality and inclusivity. Introduction: Postmodernism challenges the conventional notion that reality is a fixed entity universally understood by humans. Instead, it posits that individuals construct their own realities, marking a departure from traditional ...

Feminist Perspectives in International Relations

Feminist Perspectives in International Relations

Feminist perspectives in international relations critically analyze power structures, challenge gender biases, and strive for equality, inclusion, and the recognition of women’s agency in shaping global politics and policies. Introduction: In the realm of International Relations, the feminist perspective has emerged as a transformative force, challenging conventional ideologies and advocating for the recognition of women’s ...

Idealism in International Relations

Idealism in International Relations: A Vision for Transformative Global Governance

Introduction: Idealism, a foundational school of thought in International Relations (IR), aspires to revolutionize the global landscape by eradicating multifaceted challenges, including war, hunger, inequality, tyranny, force, suppression, and violence from international relations. This comprehensive approach envisions a utopian world free from such evils, placing faith in reason, science, and education as the cornerstones of ...

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

NAFTA: The Evolution and Criticisms of North American Economic Integration

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) stands as a landmark agreement that reshaped economic relations between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Conceived as a trilateral trade bloc, NAFTA came into force on January 1, 1994, marking the culmination of efforts to create a more integrated and barrier-free economic environment within North America. This ...

Raisina Dialogue

Raisina Dialogue: Navigating Global Challenges through Diplomacy and Discourse

The Raisina Dialogue, established in 2016, has become India’s premier conference on geopolitics and geo-economics, providing a platform for high-level discussions on pressing global issues. Organized annually in New Delhi by the Ministry of External Affairs in collaboration with the Observer Research Foundation, this multi-stakeholder event brings together policymakers, business leaders, and experts from various ...

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): A Comprehensive Exploration of Its Evolution, Structures, and Global Impact

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) stands as a multifaceted alliance, navigating the intricate intersections of politics, economics, and military affairs in the Eurasian region. This detailed examination delves into the historical origins, membership dynamics, key organizational structures, geopolitical significance, recent developments, and collaborative endeavors, providing a comprehensive understanding of the SCO’s role in shaping the ...

African Union

African Union: Shaping Unity, Prosperity, and Progress Across the Continent

Introduction: The African Union (AU), a continental union comprising 55 member states, has emerged as a pivotal force in shaping Africa’s collective future. Formed as the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 2002, the AU has set ambitious objectives, fostering unity, eliminating vestiges of colonization, and driving economic development. This comprehensive article ...


Roads to Resilience: Navigating the BBIN Initiative for Seamless Connectivity in South Asia

Introduction: Back in 1996, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal joined hands to establish the South Asian Growth Quadrangle with a vision to enhance various sectors such as energy, power, trade, investment, transport, and tourism. This collaborative effort laid the groundwork for the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Program, initiated in 2001. Subsequently, the inclusion ...

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