CUET (UG) Political Science Mock Test

CUET (UG) Political Science Mock Test

Political Science


CUET (PG) Political Science Mock Test

CUET (UG) Political Science Quiz Helps Us to Increase Our Knowledge.

1 / 50

1) Which one of the following commissions was formed for the planned development of India, just after independence?

2 / 50

2) What is the name of Russian currency?

3 / 50

3) The main objective of United Nations is to_________

4 / 50

4) Which one of the following is Arenas of the Cold War?

5 / 50

5) What is the meaning of Perestroika?

6 / 50

6) Which of the following nation joined the USA military alliance SEATO?

7 / 50

7) From the following, who gave the famous slogan Jai Jawan Jai Kisan?

8 / 50

8) Which of the two countries were exempted from the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol?

9 / 50

9) Why was the EcoSoc came into being?

10 / 50

10) Which of the following is not a reason for the India Pakistan conflict?

11 / 50

11) How many princely states existed at the time of independence of India?

12 / 50

12) The positive aspects of globalization are its capacity to increase our_________

13 / 50

13) When was Britain attacked Egypt over the Suez Canal issue?

14 / 50

14) In 2001, General Musharraf got himself elected as the:

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15) Which one of the following has referred to the UNO as a talking shop?

16 / 50

16) Earth Summit was attended by:

17 / 50

17) When was the Panchsheel agreement signed between India and China?

18 / 50

18) Which of the following event was considered as the end of bipolarity?

19 / 50

19) China annexed Tibet in

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20) East Pakistan broke away to emerge as an independent country called:

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21) Which of the following Constitutional Amendment was made during the Emergency?

22 / 50

22) What was the Shah Commission's estimation of arrested people under Preventive Detention?

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23) The Council of Europe was established in:

24 / 50

24) The person that opposed neo-colonialism was

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25) Which of the following campaigns contributed to the enactment of the 73rd and 74th amendment?

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26) The Second Five Year Plan was launched in

27 / 50

27) Russian Revolution took place in the year_________

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28) What is the name of the document that the government of India prepares that has a plan for all its income and expenditure?

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29) Who led the government of the United Front in1996?

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30) Which of the following is the only country that suffered the destruction caused by nuclear bombs?

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31) What is the full form of NPT?

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32) Who was worried about a possible Chinese aggression in the future?

33 / 50

33) Which one of the following statements explains the meaning of the term "Fat Boy"?

34 / 50

34) Which two new states were carved out of Punjab?

35 / 50

35) For how many years after the Chipko movement, the felling of trees was banned?

36 / 50

36) Who was the leader of the Soviet Union at the time of Cuban missile crisis?

37 / 50

37) The socialists advocated the ideology of:

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38) What does GATT stand for?

39 / 50

39) Which of the following organ of the UNITED Nations lost its existence?

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40) Yeltsin became the President of Russia in the year_________

41 / 50

41) Who headed the central government in India after 1998 parliamentary elections?

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42) Who became the Prime Minister of India after the first general election?

43 / 50

43) The more weightage to India's proposal for permanent membership in the Security Council is

44 / 50

44) The General Elections of 2004 resulted in

45 / 50

45) Who among the following was the Maharaja of Manipur at the times of Independence?

46 / 50

46) Name the 16th state of Indian union which was formed in 1963?

47 / 50

47) Which among the following are the political consequences of Globalisation?

48 / 50

48) When was the European Union established?

49 / 50

49) Which of the following was the leader of the Bihar movement of March 1974?

50 / 50

50) Allied forces led by the__________

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