Political Science Notes

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You are at a correct place. Here we provide you all the important topics unit wise covering detail concepts which concerns the subject Political science for your specific exams including CUET, UGC net and PSIR etc.

Suggestion for JRF Aspirants – It is advised to go through each and every article to score good marks. Make sure you do not skip anything or any topic given below.

Note – For “Printable Copies” you can contact – Politicalsciencesolution8@gmail.com

Western Political Thought

No.Western Political Thought – Important Scholars
4.Thomas Hobbes
5.John Locke
7.Jean Jacques Rousseau
8.J.S Mill
9.Karl Marx
10.Antonio Gramsci
11.Mary Wollstonecraft
12.John Rawls
13.Frantz Fanon
14.Hannah Ardent
15.Mao Zedong

Political Concepts

No.Political Concepts
8. State

Political Traditions/Ideologies

No.Political Theory
3. Socialism

Indian Political Thought

No.Indian Political Thought
1.Aggna Sutta
5.Ziauddin Barani
6Swami Vivekananda
7.Pandita Ramabai
8.Rabindranath Tagore
9.Jawaharlal Nehru
11.M.N. Roy
12.B.R. Ambedkar
13.Iqbal Muhammad
14.Mahatma Gandhi
16.Bal Gangadhar Tilak
17.V.D. Sarvarkar
18.Deendayal Upadhyaya
19.Ram Manohar Lohia
20.J.P Narayan

Public Administration

No.Public Administration
1.* Public Administration: Nature, Scope, and Evolution

* Public and Private Administration: Differences and Similarities

* Diverse Approaches of Public Administration
2Theories of Public Administration

* Classical Organization Theory by Henry Fayol

* Scientific Management Theory by F.W Taylor

* Ideal Type Bureaucracy by Max Weber

* Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo

* Decision Making Theory by Herbert Simon

* System theory by David Easton

* Bargaining Approach by Charles Lindblom

* Ecological Approach by Fred Riggs

* New Public Administration (NPA)

* Development Administration

* New Public Management (NPM)
3Motivation Theories

* Hierarchy of Needs or Motivation Theory by Abraham Maslow

* Motivation-Hygiene Theory or Two Factor theory by Frederick Herzberg
4Leadership Theories

* T- Group Model by Chris Argyris

* Theory of X and Y by Douglas McGregor

* Management System I-IV Model by Rensis Likert
5Organizational Communication Theories

* Communication Theory by Karl Deutsch

* Theory of Organization and Leadership by Chester Barnard
6Other Important Theories:

* Constructive Conflict by Mary Parker Follett

* Management by Objectives by Peter Drucker

Comparative Politics

No.Comparative Politics
1.Comparative Politics: Its Meaning and Evolution
2Approaches of Comparative Politics

* Traditional Approaches of Comparative Politics

Modern Approaches

* Behavioural Approach to Comparative Politics

* Political Economy Approach

* Institutional and New Institutional Approach

* Structural Functional Approach by Gabriel Almond

* Political Culture Approach by Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba

* State Theory: From its Origins to Modern Ideological Debates and The Idea of Sovereignty in Globalized World

* Political Regimes: Democratic and Non-Democratic Systems
4Colonization and Decolonizationn

* Colonialism and Decolonization: Historical Perspective
5Forms and Theories of Nationalismm

* Nationalism: European and Non European

* Theories of Nationalism
6Development Theories

* Modernization Theory: Western Approach to development

* Dependency Theory: Theory of Underdevelopment

* Constitutionalism: Comparative study of Constitutions around the world
8Theory of Elites

* Elite Theory: Definition, Theorists and Power Structures
9Actors and Processes

* Electoral Systems

* Political Parties and Party System

* Civil Society, NGOs and Interest Groups

* Social Movements: Stages and Types

* Theories of Revolution

Governance and Public Policy

No.Governance and Public Policy
1* Concept of Good Governance
2Public Policy in India

* Public Policy – Process and stages

* Key Public Policies in India
3Accountability and Efficiency

* Corruption and Administrative Reforms

* Judicial Review and Judicial Activism
4Institutional Mechanisms for Good – Governance

* E – Governance

* Social Audit and Jansunwai

* Right to Information Act 2005

* NITI Aayog

* Consumer Protection Act 2019

* Lokpal and Lokayuktas

International Relations

No.International Relations
1.Approaches to the study of IR

* Idealism

* Realism and Neorealism

* Liberalism in IR

* Feminist Perspectives in International Relations

* Post Modernism in International Relations

* Critical International Theory

* Social Constructivism in International Relations

* Structural Marxism
2.Concepts of IR

* State
* Security
* Power
* Sovereignty
3.International War Agreements

* Important War Treaties
4.United Nations

* The United Nations

Specialized Agencies within UN:

* World Bank
5.Political Economyy of IR

* Bretton Woods System
* WTO (World Trade Organization)
* NIEO (New Economic International Order)
* New Development Bank
* Asian Development Bank
6.Important Organizations

* European Union (EU)
* African Union (AU)
* G20
* Artic Council
* Permanent Court of Arbitration
* RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)
* International Criminal Court
7.Contemporary Challenges

* Migration
* Terrorism
* Human Rights

Foreign Policyy of India

No.Foreign Policyy of India
1.Foreign Policy of India
2.Cold War Politics
3.Non-Alignment Movement
4.India’s Nuclear Policy
5.India’s Relations with Major Powers

* India – China Relations
* India – Russia Relations
* India – US Relations
* India – Pakistan Relations
* India – EU Relations
* India – ASEAN Relations
6.India’s engagement with multipolar world

* Act East Policy
* Gujral Doctrine
* Raisina Dialogue
* Look West Policy (Gulf Cooperation Council)
* India and SADC (South African Development Community)

Political Processes in India

No.Political Process in India
1.State, Economy, and Development

* Five Years Plans

* New Economic Policy
2.Civil Societyy

* Civil Society
3.Social Movementss

* Women Movements

* Farmers Movements

* Labor Movements
4.Identity Politics

* Caste Based Identity Politics

* Dalit Movements

* Tribal Politics and Movements

* Religion and Identity Politics in India

* Language and Identity Politics in India
5.Regionalization of Indian Politics

* Regionalism in India
6.Party System

*Political Parties in India
7. * Reorganization of States

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